next week is "hugo Garden" turn^^
its really an amazing experience...
from accepting the job from Freeform ...
then start designing the 5 major item...
n start working on it...
n then preparing DIY material...
traveling to kl almost every week...
went to place which i totally not familier with...
looking for bus n public transport to go to certain places...
all n all...really a challenge for me...
welll,guess most of my fren know i really weak in opening my mouth n ask!
but,i have no choice,
n I glad that,
as i gain more courage through the journey.
i really like thanks Valene,Joleyn,Warren(all of them r the mareting team of Freeform),May for helping me out at the DIY session..n also the beautiful promoter of the day(which i dunno how to spell her name >.<") here some pic snap by May~~
2 guys student..well guess what,they did better than some of the gal>.<" GOOD JOB!!! d(^0^)b
last gang on sat^^ its fun working with them^^
4 pretty gal(of course that include me>.<") 1st day is at Levi's boutique@the curve as i reach kl bout 10.30am.. when i reach there,Warren already there and the store stuff have help me to clear a space for my DIY session though..they dun seem so friendly>.<" i am a bit tired when the DIY session is on... the crowd r not much...n not active... i am a bit dissapointed n start wondering is it my problem... luckly..its not too bad>.<" n...when we wanted to start to clear the plcae.. a gang of friends came to us... well..we just have to extant our time till 7pm XD an hour late but they r nice n active ppl~~n they really did a great job!!! sun,when i woke up in the morning... i feel the pian on my back leg... whole body is pain!!! luckly the DIY session is start from 3-6pm, at Levi's boutique@1U well..traffic jam~~Warren was late... pitty him hard to get parking thanks to Joleyn who came early she help me ask the suervisour to clear a space for me the stuff over here are more nicer n friendlier so we set up in bout 15min time.. i have not finish setting up... the crowd already here>.<" start bc... the crowd at 1U are amazing! well,I'm really happy to c active crowd^^ though many of them doesnt believe it is for FREE!!! XD but some thing not so good happen... one of my sampel is gone>.<"
not sure who stolen it...
as i thought want to gv to the Levi's stuff =(
in the end,i hv to rush n sew a new one~~~
but all in all,it is really a great experience!
big claps to all the participation,the Levi's stuff,May,Joleyn,Valene,Warren,and everyone who help me out and~~mom for giving me courage n taking care for me while i almost work till morning for the last few week!!big claps for everyone!!!Yeah~~~
hey..i still dunno about tis event le..u are the teacher on tat day?? teaching DIY??
回复删除ohoh~~yes,is an event organise by JUNK colaborate with Levi's,using recycle jeans to make some DIY item.and we try to get donation for the Malaysia AIDS i was there for 2 days to conduct the DIY session,teaching ppl who come over to Levis shop to do some DIY item^^
回复删除aiyo...y u din ask me to go le??? 錯過了機會。可是沒想到你那么厲害哦!wakakaaaaaaa 真是有眼不識泰山!:p